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We report 15 patients, who developed toxicity due to drinking bitter bottle gourd juice. Patients presented with abdominal pain, vomiting, hematemesis, diarrhea and hypotension within 15 min to 6-h after ingestion of bottle gourd juice. Endoscopy showed esophagitis, gastric erosions, ulcers and duodenitis.
There were progressive but small increases in multiple admission ratios over the period studied in a number of specialties but, by and large, stability over time was more striking than any change. The information presented could be used to estimate person-based admission rates from available episode-based data where the former are not available. This should be helpful both in managing hospital resources and in purchasing care on behalf of resident populations.
When analyzing a visual image, the brain has to achieve several goals quickly. One crucial goal is to rapidly detect parts of the visual scene that might be behaviorally relevant, while another one is to segment the image into objects, to enable an internal representation of the world. Both of these processes can be driven by local variations in any of several image attributes such as luminance, color, and texture.
Overall, our incidence of bone marrow necrosis was 37 percent of the bone marrow biopsies examined. Of these, 26.4 percent was mild. 7.5 percent moderate, and 3.1 percent severe necrosis. Seven percent of the patients (29) had positive cultures at admission. Eighty-three (21 percent) of the 399 patients with negative cultures acquired C. Difficile during their hospitalizations.
Samples for cyanotoxin analyses were taken during and after "blooms" in Celije Reservoir and from Krusevac town-supplied tap water from that reservoir two days later. Concentration of microcystin-LR was 650 microg L(-1) in the reservoir, while the tap water contained 2.5 microg L(-1). In the two investigated periods, the high primary Nike Blazer Mid Lr liver cancer (PLC) mortality of 11.6 from 1980-1990 and extremely high PLC incidence of 34.7 from 2000-2002 were observed in the regions affected by heavy cyanobacterial "blooms." In contrast, PLC mortality and incidence rates were substantially lower in the regions not Air Jordan 4 affected by cyanobacterial blooms: in 1980-1990 the rate of PLC mortality amounted to 2.7 in Kosovo, 7.6 in Vojvodina, and 8.3 in the non-affected regions of Central Serbia; while in 2000-2002 PLC incidence amounted to 4.1 in Kosovo, 5.2 in Vojvodina, and 13.6 in the non- or less-affected regions of Central Serbia.
Operating Hours |
Mondays - Fridays |
06.30 a.m. - 22.30 p.m. |
Saturdays |
09.00 a.m. - 22.30 p.m. |
*** Please note that the Club is closed on Sundays and Public Holidays. |